Senator Hagerty Condemns Biden Administration for Delaying Arms to Israel

Bill Hagerty | Source:


Senator Bill Hagerty has criticized the Biden administration for withholding arms shipments to Israel, despite Congressional approval, amid rising threats from Hamas and Hezbollah. The dispute centers on the administration’s delay in sending formal notifications for arms sales to Israel.

Why It Matters

This issue highlights the importance of unwavering support for key allies in maintaining regional stability and security.

Who It Impacts

The situation affects U.S. foreign policy, Israeli defense capabilities, and the broader Middle East geopolitical landscape.

In a sharp rebuke, Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty has condemned the Biden administration for stalling arms shipments to Israel, which were previously approved by Congress. This criticism follows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s assertion that the U.S. has been withholding crucial weapons and ammunition during a critical period of conflict for Israel.

Netanyahu expressed his concerns in a recent video, highlighting a conversation with Secretary of State Antony Blinken. He stated, “I deeply appreciate the support the U.S. has given Israel from the beginning of the war. But…it’s inconceivable that in the past few months the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel.” Netanyahu emphasized the urgency by referencing Winston Churchill’s plea during World War II: “Give us the tools and we’ll finish the job.”

Senator Hagerty amplified these concerns on social media, tweeting that the White House’s actions are hampering Israel’s ability to defend itself. He noted, “Biden Admin has refused to send Congress formal notifications to finalize a host of arms sales to Israel—incl F-15s, JDAM smart bomb kits, munitions—even after SFRC & HFAC informally cleared these sales!” Hagerty underscored the norm for the Executive Branch to submit formal notifications to Congress within 48-72 hours after informal clearances by committees, a norm he claims the current administration is violating.

Hagerty’s critique is echoed by Senator Jim Risch, the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Risch accused the administration of trying to claim credit for security assistance it has not delivered. He stressed that Congress had approved significant arms transfers, including nearly $20 billion in F-15 aircraft and other military equipment, but the administration has yet to proceed with formal notifications and shipments.

Risch warned of the broader implications of the administration’s actions. He argued that the perceived conditionality of U.S. support emboldens adversaries like Hamas and Hezbollah, potentially prolonging the conflict and increasing risks to civilians. “By signaling to terrorists that American support for Israel is conditional, we encourage Hamas to protract the war in Gaza, furthering risk to civilians, and incentivize Hezbollah to continue its attacks on Israel from the North,” Risch stated.

The ongoing delay in arms deliveries comes at a time of heightened tensions in the Middle East, with Israel facing threats on multiple fronts. Hezbollah’s intensified attacks from Lebanon and Hamas’s continued aggression in Gaza have exacerbated the situation. The Biden administration’s perceived hesitation has raised concerns about its commitment to Israel, a key ally in the region.

This controversy underscores the critical nature of steadfast support for Israel, particularly during times of conflict. The hesitation to deliver approved arms not only affects Israel’s immediate security but also has broader implications for U.S. foreign policy and its reputation as a reliable ally. Ensuring timely support to allies like Israel is essential for maintaining regional stability and deterring adversaries.